Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trip #8

Today was a quick trip to the grocery store.  We shopped on 7/14/11, for the first time since the last trip I posted.  Trip #7 stats were: Total: 170.71 Spent: 92.54 Saved: 78.17.  It was a pretty big trip for a lot of food staples: cheese, tomato sauce, hot dogs, etc. as well as cleaning supplies and diapers.  This trip was to hit the current sale with my coupons so that I don't have to go grocery shopping again (expect for milk and fruit) until August.

Today's stats were: Total: 108.71 Spent: 42.52 Saved: 66.19

This weeks trip (35 items):

Every single item except for three was either on sale or on sale and I had a coupon.

Great buys were:

V-8 Fusion (bought 4, received 2)
Sale: $1.99
Coupon: $1.50
Final Price: .50 each
I purchased four V-8's and also had a coupon for buy two V-8 Fusion, get one V-8 Fusion+Tea free.  So since I bought 4 V-8 Fusions, I received 2 V-8 Fusion+Tea for free!

Dove Deoderant (received 2)
Sale: .98
Coupon: .75, double to $1
Final Price: FREE

Turkey Hill 1/2 Gallon Iced Tea (bought 2)
Sale: .99
Coupon: .35, doubled to .70
Final Price: .29 each

Skintamate Shavel Gel (bought 4)
Sale: 1.69
Coupon: .55 doubled to $1
Final Price: .69 each

Keep Clipping!!!!

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